You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.6. Inventory - Goods Received > Ways of Receiving Goods > Receiving Goods for MJC Jobs
Receiving Goods for MJC Jobs

If you are using the Micronet Job Costing system (MJC), you can also receive goods for MJC jobs through the MDS Goods Received program, regardless of whether a purchase order was created against the job in the first instance.

Options include:

Materials received for jobs have their costs transferred automatically. The individual item charge prices are calculated as per the customer’s default pricing structure or as setup in your MJC company parameters (refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - Markups"). During any of these processes, the item cost and optionally sell prices can be altered.

If a purchase order is created against a job (and stage), then the whole order (or part of it) can be received without the need to select the job to post against again. Items ordered against one job can be reassigned to another job during the receipt process or received directly to your MDS inventory file.

Purchase orders for jobs can be created manually or automatically from the Quantity to Order values entered during the posting of materials either directly to a job in MJC (refer to "Adding Materials to a Service Job") or through the Batch Materials posting program in MJC (refer to "Transactions – Batch Materials").

MJC only allows the posting of material receipts through MDS if the job’s status is assigned as Active. Inactive jobs cannot be posted against unless the job’s status is first changed to Active.

Materials may be posted to jobs either before or after the jobs have been invoiced. MJC continues to accrue work in progress (WIP) for subsequent material receipts.

When materials are posted to a job through the MDS Goods Received program, the supplier number is added to the job line in MJC if that field is blank.